发布日期:2013-06-09    点击量:4780    信息来源:
  为了进一步加强纬地软件网站的服务和宣传作用,深化纬地软件国际业务的拓展,方便国外客户更加直观、快捷地全面了解纬地软件,公司组织相关部门研发完成了纬地英文版网站的内容,于今天正式上网试运行。   你可以通过点击本网站右上角的“english”链接进入英文版网站,也可以直接在浏览器地址栏输入http://www.hintcad.cn/en 进行访问。   欢迎广大纬地用户进行查看、宣传和收藏。也欢迎各位用户反馈宝贵意见给我们,邮箱hintcad@hintcad.cn                        纬地软件                       2013年6月9日    HintSoft English Website Launched  We are pleased to announce the launch of our English website today; the English site link is www.hintcad.cn/en .  The site will offer the detail introduction of HintCAD Company and our products, which is helpful for our international business and foreign clients/users. By the same time, it will also provide the customer service, technical support and all related news/update about HintCAD.  Please click “English” (available at left corner of main page) or input the www.hintcad.cn/en in your browser address to enter the HintSoft English website.  Please take a look at our website and feel free to contact us for any further advice/information; our email address is hintcad@hintcad.cn .    HintSoft    9th June, 2013
上一篇:纬地公路与铁路路基系统正式发布!          下一篇:关于杀毒软件阻止纬地软件正常运行问题的理解